look at the chart below n say the COLOR of the word ... not the word itself
y is it so difficult?
because the right half of ur brain is trying to say the color, while the left side of ur brain is trying to say the word :)
*credited to opticalillusions.com
p/s : sgt malas mau hupdate blog ... sila maafkan kesengalan itu *sobs sobs*
because the right half of ur brain is trying to say the color, while the left side of ur brain is trying to say the word :)
*credited to opticalillusions.com
p/s : sgt malas mau hupdate blog ... sila maafkan kesengalan itu *sobs sobs*
~~ thanks 4 reading tis \(^_^)/

3 Criticism:
memang susah kalo nk baca terus
Tidak! Sy tdk mahu maafkan kesengalan awak! Hahaha.. Eh sy jd pana2 sketika mbcae blu orange pepel itu.. Pdhl sy bijak juger kdg2.. Muahahaha~
konpiden je first 2 lines sebut..rupa-rupanya aku silap dah... aku gi baca tulisan tu hohoho... GAGAL
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