day 14 - fav cartoon character and why?
nape erk skang aku rase challenge ni makin lame makin annoying laks dgn solan yg ntah pape ni ... padehal aku yg pilih challenge ni dulu, ahaks~ #tak-phm-dgn-diri-sendiri
oke! back to tat stupid question =b
aku rase aku paling suke ...
die ni tersgtlah chomel bile buat aksi malas die tuh mcm aku
oke! itu sajork utk challenge kali ni sbbnyer aku terlalu moody arini, sekian!
*sobs sobs*
bole refer SINI utk challenge yg aku dah buat
p/s : my followers da berjaya mencecah 4 angka ... thanks uols sbb sudi follow blog tak berilmiah ni *wink wink*
~~ thanks 4 reading tis \(^_^)/

6 Criticism:
heheh..muka si karton ni memang bersahaja
Uyooo.. Da jd pemes skang.. Taley moody.. Kne cheer up lalink.. Hikhikhik..
uiyoo .ade challenge :D
good luck
suka Garfield, tpi lagi suka Dexter Laboratory :p
wah tahniah menjangkau 4 series..hehe
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