erm~ setelah dkaji...finally i've got the answer for tis question ady *wink*
:: aku ag suke bace blog owg dari wat blog sndiri
:: aku xder idea nak story sal pe kat cni
:: aku sik pikir blog aku x shebat owg len...sOoO wats the point i do tis ??? *sigh*
:: dulu time sek, aku malas gile nak wat karangan...soOo tbawak2 laks sampai skang *wink*
:: aku banyak main...wat 1 ayat, g jengok FB r, layan YM r...soOo aku jadi buhsan bile pikir 'bile r blog aku nak siap ni'...soOo scara automatiknyer, aku terus stop takat 1 ayat tdi mmandangkan pngaruh FB n YM ag kuat...huhu~
:: kadang2 aku teringin gaq nak share sal life aku kat cni...but the prob is...i dont want certain2 people 2 read tat [ad x cara lain kat cni ??? block tat person ke ??? ahaks~]
:: i need some inspiration 2 bcome an addicted blogger [confirm korunk nak muntah laks bace blog aku t...cewah~]
p/s : ad sape2 volunteer nak tolong selesaikan prob aku ni since aku da bg 7 sbb [as 7 is my fav no] utk psoalan aku y pjg lebar tuh ??? huhu~

1 Criticism:
keep on writing nazrin..its just anything..x kesah...even a single word can desribe ur emotion :)
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