mengimbas lik around 6/7 months y lepas...time tuh aku still blaja kat poli, sem last...waaa, aku mang addicted gile ngn 1 reality show ni -> DANCE INDIA DANCE *wink* ni dulu kui 7.30pm-9.00pm ari sabtu n ahad kat zee tv...tiap2 ujung minggu je confirm aku balik umah smate2 nak tgk show ni, x kire r minggu tuh minggu exam ke, minggu assignment penuh ke, xpon minggu final, y aku tau, aku WAJIB tgk gaq show tuh...kalau aku TERMISS pon, confirm aku tgk kat youtube laks...haha
actually minat aku kat bidang dancing ni mang agaq mendlm gaq r [ aku pon xtau nape]...lau owg len mayb minat singing kan ??? hehe...tapi aku...i lovEeE dancing !!! oPpsY, i mean...loVeEe 2 watch people dancing...xpecially salsa, contemporary n tap dance *wink*
ok...bak 2 the story [ sal reality show tuh]...
dlm show tuh ade sowng contestant ni...SALMAN...owhHh...he's soOo cute + hot *hug kisses*...haha...actually sume contestant lam tuh mang dasyat2, but he's the best dancer ever, TRUELY !!! [sbb tuh r he's the winner...haha]
actually minat aku kat bidang dancing ni mang agaq mendlm gaq r [ aku pon xtau nape]...lau owg len mayb minat singing kan ??? hehe...tapi aku...i lovEeE dancing !!! oPpsY, i mean...loVeEe 2 watch people dancing...xpecially salsa, contemporary n tap dance *wink*
ok...bak 2 the story [ sal reality show tuh]...
dlm show tuh ade sowng contestant ni...SALMAN...owhHh...he's soOo cute + hot *hug kisses*...haha...actually sume contestant lam tuh mang dasyat2, but he's the best dancer ever, TRUELY !!! [sbb tuh r he's the winner...haha]
lau x caye gaq...korunk ley tgk ni ye :p
bes kan ??? hehe
ade byk ag sbenarnyer...lau korunk pon minat cam aku gaq, korunk ley check out kat cni je k *wink*...x sabar nak tunggu DANCE INDIA DANCE season 2...weee :p
ni laks dancing y plgGg aku syuke...salsa *wink*
he's prince...the king of locking n poping *wink*
ade byk ag sbenarnyer...lau korunk pon minat cam aku gaq, korunk ley check out kat cni je k *wink*...x sabar nak tunggu DANCE INDIA DANCE season 2...weee :p
p/s : mayb i would loveEe 2 learn dancing sumday *wink*

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